Saturday, November 18, 2006

My first 3 "captures" in the 18th hunt


Here's another capture. I have been so inspired by the community of folks making art and sharing on the web; unexpected, fabulous or just so-so, the making of it is worth every minute.

Portrait of Hugh playing chess

This was my 5th "capture" in the #18 Scavenger Hunt (Wet Canvas) It may be my most successful sketch of a live person in years. I was using my favorite medium, a dense black pastel called CHAR-KOLE.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Full Circle

Being here alone over the past week or so, I've had a very difficult time motivating myself to make art, or do the laundry, or much of anything. This was a forced session with the ink and watercolors and I had an absolute ball! I was in the moment the whole while. Thinking it was a big, rushed mistake from the start... I didn't much care how it turned out. I'm thrilled! I feel like living again, if only to make the next picture. Daniel Smith watercolors rock... and so do waterproof pens!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Hugh on the Porch and one more day til we take it back

I am so excited about the elections tomorrow. We've waited so long for the chance to begin to turn this madness around. I wish Hugh could be here to watch the returns with me. He's in Minnesota for a while looking after his mom. I drew this picture before he left.

Friday, November 03, 2006

I got the scanner!

A little painting in my sketchbook of my afternoon on the porch. I am finding it difficult to get the vivid saturation I want from the colors.